What to do when willpower isn’t enough.
Starting with what you know when it comes to creating routines and habits that stick…

Low-carb, low-fat, high-protein diets all equally useless.
A widely publicized study in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that there is virtually no difference between low-carb, low-fat, high-carb, or high-protein diets when it comes to weight loss. I don’t often like to toot my own horn, but if you read my post last week about the Top 10 Food Facts Everyone Should Know (see point #10), then this was not news to you.

How I be happy (it isn’t about the dopamine…)
Last week I attended a fabulous party. There was excellent champagne, illustrious guests, spectacular food, and beautiful live music. The only thing missing was water (WTF). I’m normally pretty good at staying hydrated, but there wasn’t an obvious water station. So to stay cool and keep my mouth from drying out I kept finding myself at the bar. At least, that was my excuse…

If you’re “watching your weight” it won’t go anywhere!
A common theme I’ve noticed among many women today is an obsession with the number on the scale. It is so easy to get caught up on the number, rather than the health behind it…

“Diet” is a four letter word.
We all know what it means to “go on a diet.” But we also use the word diet to describe normal, everyday eating patterns such as a “healthy diet” or “vegetarian diet.” In reality most of us confuse these methods and describing and correcting this fallacy is almost impossible when the terminology we use is the same for both.

No, you don’t deserve that indulgence today.
In so many parts of life, good behavior is rewarded. It’s natural to want to apply the same logic to the food you eat, especially if you’ve ever adopted a dieter’s mindset. I’m here today to shatter this illusion…

Why I don’t bargain shop for food.
Food is a complex topic that includes issues related to health, economics, culture, human rights, animal welfare, and the environment/sustainability. I’ll take you through my thought process in making food decisions (including how I’ve adapted to lower and higher income levels).

How to know when you’ve gotten “enough” exercise.
Odds are that if you’re setting overly ambitious health goals, a large part of your motivation is that you don’t have confidence that you’ll succeed unless there’s some strong external force pushing you forward. Ironically, in this situation it is even more important that you choose achievable goals.

When to be mindful (and when to stop worrying about it).
Mindful eating is hard to do. Your brain naturally rejects mindful awareness and desperately seeks to follow your impulses to think and/or judge your current situation rather than simply observe it. How can you enjoy your meal when you’re in a tug-of-war with your own mind?

How self-experimentation can rapidly improve your life.
Unlike traditional scientific experiments, self-experiments don’t have a bunch of research subjects. They just have one: you. That means they aren’t very good at finding out what works for people in general, but they’re great for finding out what works for you specifically.

“Only eat when you’re hungry” is terrible advice for dieting.
On the surface the idea makes sense. If you only eat when you’re hungry then you should be providing yourself just enough fuel to be healthy without overdoing it on calories. But the problem is…

Is low-fat healthy?
Like most things in the nutrition world, fats are back in style. At least certain kinds, and in certain amounts. Some healthcare providers still recommend a low-fat diet, but is it really healthy? Here’s the scoop on fats, what they are, which ones are good (or bad), and what to do about them.

Knew year…
Happy New Year, you! As we kick off 2023, many of us are thinking about ways to improve our health and wellness. One simple and effective way to do this is by making changes to our daily hydration habits. Here are a few ideas for New Year's resolutions involving drinking more lemon water, experimenting more with fruit and vegetable water infusions, drinking less soda, and consuming fewer sugary beverages:

How to know when a diet is no longer right for you.
There are many different ways of eating when it comes to nourishing your body. While diets and protocols can have benefits, sometimes you can stick to one that no longer meets your needs.

How real is sugar addiction, really?
Everyone looks for a sweet fix now and then, but are you really addicted to sugar? Here’s how to tell if your sweet tooth is a real problem, and how to quit for good.

Emotional eating and resetting cravings.
Food addiction is a real problem in our modern society. Many women especially have a lot of guilt and shame around their weight and not being able to “control” their eating. But there are solutions for nagging food cravings and emotional eating that can finally get to the underlying causes of food addiction and help you heal.

Before we talk about knives . . .
. . . let’s talk cutting boards! No doubt we’re all aware there are flotillas of great cutting boards out there. But the fleet winnows down quite a bit if you’re a serious cook and you care about keeping your knives super sharp.

Nourishing yourself in Winter can be simple.
Do you resist the cooler months, or do you embrace them fully - seeing them as a chance to slow down, hibernate and cosy on up?

Freshly dried & dehydrated?
Seen often in luxury environments like spas or fitness-focused diners like juice cafes, fruit-infused water is hardly a revolutionary drink. What is unique is the use of dehydrated or dried fruit crisps in lieu of fresh fruit. Is there a difference between the two? Are the health benefits the same?