“Do you know y’all misspelled the word ‘Lemonade

…and other brilliant questions can be addressed here, as well as unsolicited praise, trash talk, partnerships, and salutations.


All hands on deck!

We are searching for and sharing stories from other fellow readers and infusers!

If you’re noticing beverage-drinking patterns of behaviors in those people around you and are engaging in meaningful dialogue about the health benefits of hydrating wisely…

congratulations, you’re an ambassador!

Anyone who needs or already may be in the midst of a significant life change, don’t be a stranger, we would love to hear from you!

*maybe we’re just sugarlessly fatigued and can use a pick-me-up, please 😂



Oh, she’s on / Nikki Heat

David Lin thirst trap / TDLR

Unapologetic music / ADDJ

Life savers / Overeaters Anonymous

Because FFFFOUND! is dead / We Heart It

For all intents & purposes / Writing Refinery

Y: The Last Man / Say when

Joyce Yoo / A voice that woos

RADII / Tomorrow’s China today

The Pacer Company / Sorry, not sorry

You Can Learn Chinese Podcast / 我 is me

Lightbulb. / Temporal writings of EJ DeBrun

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